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Message Icon Chủ đề: Ha Vy, Gởi trả lời Gởi bài mới
Người gởi Nội dung

Tham gia ngày: 19/Jan/2008
Đến từ: United States
Thành viên: OffLine
Số bài: 4
Quote Thythy Replybullet Chủ đề: Ha Vy,
    Gởi ngày: 10/Mar/2008 lúc 11:13am
  Ha Vy trinh bay nhac pham Khoc Tham cua Lam Phuong
Ha Vy has always liked music. As a child, her parents and family discovered that she had an ability to sing and perform. They encouraged Ha Vy to pursue a career in entertainment. Ha Vy finally got her first break when she entered and won a talent contest in Nha Trang.

Ha Vy turned pro in 1986. She worked with Hai Dang and Sao Bien Troupe in Nha Trang. She traveled throughout the region performing in many locals in central and south Vietnam. Although Ha Vy is well known for her youth oriented songs, since the beginning, Ha Vy has had a tendency toward singing folk songs or Nhac Que Huong. Co Be Hon Doi, Chuyen Ba Nguoi, Di Chua Huong are among Ha Vy's favorite songs.

In 1993, Ha Vy recorded her first song in a CD produced by Asia Entertainment. She sang "Dancing all Night" in the album "Tinh Hong Ruc Nang He". In the same year, Ha Vy appeared in her first music video in Asia's Tenth Anniversary video singing with NiNi and Uyen Mi.

When asked about her most memorable singing appearance, Ha Vy reflected on her past engagements while she was still in Vietnam singing with Hai Dang and Sao Bien. She says that these events were most meaningful to her since she was performing to people who otherwise would not get access to the caliber of entertainment that most of us are used to. To date, Ha Vy's most successful concert was in Melbourne where she performed with NiNi and Uyen My.


Ha Vy Fan club
9315 Bolsa Ave #933
Westminster CA92683
Email: Havymusicw@aol.com [ Other Singers | Singers Address | VietScape

Chỉnh sửa lại bởi Thythy - 10/Mar/2008 lúc 11:28am
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